When Your Crew Doesn't Crew Back: Dealing with Unsupportive Friends 👯

Let's face it, pouring your heart and soul into a creative pursuit can be tough. But when the doubt comes not from strangers, but from the friends who should be your biggest cheerleaders? Ouch. It's totally normal to feel a sting of betrayal, especially when you see them readily support others' dreams.

Here's the thing: Friendships aren't one-size-fits-all. Maybe your crew just doesn't "get" your passion, or perhaps they're worried about seeing you fail. The key is to acknowledge their feelings (sometimes friends just don't know how to support creative endeavors) while also prioritizing the kind of support that does fuel your fire. Don't ditch your friends entirely,but maybe seek out online communities or mentors who understand your specific craft. Remember, chasing your dreams doesn't mean sacrificing genuine connections, but it  does mean surrounding yourself with the kind of encouragement that helps you soar.

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