“Becky, Please!🤬” - Building Boundaries & Protecting Your Sanity At Work

Feeling like you're constantly walking on eggshells at work? Is your inbox full of backhanded compliments and your workload mysteriously "forgotten" by colleagues? You might be dealing with the office's resident master of passive aggression. Here's the lowdown on this brand of workplace bullying and how to fight fire with fierce professionalism.

Being the only one who identifies as black or “poc(person of color” in a white space workplace can make passive aggression even trickier. You might feel like you're constantly having to decode subtle digs or microaggressions alongside the usual veiled hostility. But fear not, queen! We've got tips for calling out the shade and protecting your mental health while thriving in your career.

Tip #1: Document Everything. Keep a record of passive-aggressive behavior, noting dates, times, and specific actions.This not only protects you but also provides concrete evidence if the situation escalates and requires HR intervention.

Tip #2: Call it Out (Calmly). Pick a private moment and address the behavior directly. Focus on the action itself,avoiding accusations. For example, "Hey Sarah, I noticed I wasn't included in the project update email. Did you mean to leave me off?" This keeps things professional while making them aware of your awareness.

Tip #3: Build Your Ally Network. Feeling isolated can amplify the impact of passive-aggressive behavior. Connect with colleagues you trust and build a support system. They can offer a sounding board and even witness potentially problematic interactions. Remember, having someone in your corner can make a world of difference.

Tip #4: Double Down on Your Awesomeness. Passive aggression thrives on negativity. Don't let it steal your shine!Focus on your accomplishments, celebrate your wins, and maintain your positive, professional demeanor. This not only makes you a more valuable asset but also demonstrates their tactics simply don't work on you.

Bonus Tip: Embrace Your Uniqueness. While navigating a white space workplace can be challenging, remember your identity is a strength. You bring a valuable perspective and a fresh voice to the table. Own your identity and use it to fuel your success!

Remember, you are a force to be reckoned with. By using these tactics and staying true to yourself, you can navigate the passive-aggressive minefield and build a thriving career, all while slaying the silent shade with fierce grace.

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