Motherless Mother's Day - You're Not Alone. Here's How to Get Through Mother's Day 🩷

Mother's Day. A Hallmark holiday filled with flowers, brunch, and well wishes for the woman who gave you life. But for some of us, it's a day tinged with sadness, a stark reminder of the absent mother figure in our lives. It can feel like grieving a person who's still alive, especially if your childhood was shaped by a narcissistic parent. Setting boundaries with a mother like that is incredibly difficult, but the peace it brings is invaluable.

I know this firsthand. I made the tough decision to cut ties with my mother, choosing peace over the constant need to please her. It wasn't easy, but it has elevated my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. While I work on healing my inner child, another journey unfolds – becoming the best version of myself. Because when the time comes, and I have a daughter of my own, I know exactly how to shower her with the love and support I never received.

Getting Through Mother's Day: Tips for Healing

  • Focus on yourself: This day doesn't have to be about your mother. Treat yourself to something you enjoy – a relaxing spa day, a scenic hike, or spending quality time with loved ones who truly support you.
  • Set boundaries: It's okay to distance yourself from social media or conversations that might trigger feelings of pain.
  • Practice self-compassion: Acknowledge your emotions, write them down, or talk to a therapist. Healing takes time,and you're not alone in this journey.
  • Celebrate the mother figures in your life: Perhaps you have a grandmother, aunt, or mentor who stepped up and provided the love and support you craved. Take this opportunity to show them your appreciation.
  • Embrace the future: Mother's Day may be a difficult day, but it doesn't have to define you. Focus on the positive changes you're making in your life and look forward to building a future filled with love and healthy relationships.
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