Germany: A Complicated Love Story (with an Emphasis on Hate) 🇩🇪

Okay, maybe not love. More like a frenemy situation. Germany, oh Germany. Land of fairy tales, bratwurst,and...uncomfortable stares? Let me tell you, my relationship with this European giant is a rollercoaster.

First Impressions: Not So Grimm

My initial encounter back in 2021 was, well, grim. The way they treated people of color left a sour taste in my mouth.Plus, the general vibe felt a little too "authoritarian" for comfort. Think "aurora borealis" meets "Nazi rallies" (major yikes, I know). While nobody directly targeted me, the overall mood was just...rude. Needless to say, I swore off Germany forever. Or so I thought.

Round Two: Redemption (Maybe?)

Fast forward to this year. My friend extends an invitation for a quick European trip, and Germany happens to be on the itinerary. My social media was flooded with "NEVER AGAIN, GERMANY" declarations. But hey, I'm a sucker for adventure (and travel content). So, I decided to give it another shot.

Landing in the Land of Stares

The moment I stepped off the plane, it began – the stares. Now, I'm delusional. let's just say I wouldn't blame them if they'd never seen a "baddie" like me before. Still, the lack of smiles and general coldness was a bit off-putting. It wasn't just me, either. Everyone of color seemed to be giving me the side-eye treatment.

Moments of Menschlichkeit (Humanity)

There were glimmers of hope, though. My Lufthansa flight attendant to Amsterdam was an absolute gem, and the businessman next to me in business class was surprisingly friendly. Shoutout to those two for reminding me that kindness exists everywhere, even in Germany.

So, Germany: Friend or Foe?

Living there? Absolutely not. Visiting again? Maybe for Berlin, but it's not exactly at the top of my list. Here's the thing:some Germans, especially those who don't speak English, can be a tad frosty. The American accent doesn't exactly help either.

Final Verdict: It's Complicated

Germany, we have a complicated relationship. The beauty is undeniable, but the social awkwardness can be a real buzzkill. Maybe one day we'll reach a place of understanding, but for now, our love story remains firmly in the "it's complicated" zone.

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