Feng Shui on a Budget: Creating Positive Energy Without Breaking the Bank 🧿

Intrigued by the idea of Feng Shui but worried about the cost? Don't sweat it! This ancient practice is all about creating harmony and flow in your living space, and it doesn't require a complete overhaul. Here's the good news: even small tweaks can make a big impact.

Start by decluttering. Clutter blocks positive energy (chi) flow. Donate or toss unused items, and clear surfaces. This creates a sense of spaciousness and ease. Next, rearrange furniture. Ideally, seating areas should face the door, allowing you to "command" the space. Plants are another budget-friendly win. A healthy green spritz of life not only purifies the air but also symbolizes growth and new beginnings.

Feng Shui on a budget is about intentionality. With a little creativity and these simple tips, you can transform your home into a haven of positive energy, without breaking the bank.

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