Conquering Your Goals: The 75Hard Challenge 🏁

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, wanting to make a change but overwhelmed by where to begin? The 75Hard Challenge might be for you. This viral phenomenon promises a complete mental and physical overhaul in just 75 days. Created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, it's not your typical fitness program. It's a commitment to self-discipline that pushes you outside your comfort zone across multiple areas of your life.

The challenge boasts a simple yet demanding structure: two daily workouts, a gallon of water, a strict diet, and progress photos. But it goes beyond the physical. You'll also commit to reading 10 pages of non-fiction daily, no alcohol or cheat meals, and a cold shower. The beauty (and perhaps the difficulty) lies in its all-encompassing nature. It's a test of your willpower, designed to build resilience and forge lasting healthy habits.

You can tweak your 75challenge to fit your personal goal such as;

1.Dont snoop on his/her social media
2.No edibles/🌿
3. Showing up on time for work
4.No gossipping
5.No complaining
6.No cursing
7.Remain Abstinient
8.Walk at least 10K steps a day

Just remember, if you mess up, you have to start all over again 😚

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