Boundaries Don't Make You Mean

For five years, I sat on the therapist's couch, a confused jumble of emotions. It felt like everyone around me was taking something – my time, energy, even my good mornings. Therapy, however, wasn't about being "wrong." It was about realizing that healthy boundaries were the missing piece.

My therapist painted a vivid picture: I was a house without a fence, a wide-open door inviting anyone to come in and grab whatever they wanted. No security, no peace. People-pleasing had become my superpower, leaving me drained and constantly on edge.

The most eye-opening discovery? Boundaries weren't about being selfish; they were about self-care. My biggest epiphany?  Mornings are sacred.

Imagine waking up to a loving parent, sunlight gently coaxing you open your eyes, a soft "good morning" the only sound.Now, picture the jarring alternative – someone bursting in with drama, shattering the tranquility. That's exactly how unsolicited bad news or drama in the morning makes me feel.

Think of it this way: a good day starts with a good foundation. My morning routine is that foundation. It sets the tone for the rest of my day, keeping me in a positive headspace 90% of the time. And honestly, who wouldn't want to maximize those good vibes?

Boundaries may feel counterintuitive at first, but trust me, they're the fence you need to cultivate a happy, healthy space.It's about setting clear expectations, protecting your time and energy, and most importantly, creating a morning ritual that sets you up for success.

So, the next time someone tries to steal your peace with negativity, remember this: your good mornings, your energy – they're yours to protect. Build your fence, establish your boundaries, and watch your happiness flourish.

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