Reema Deema

Reema Deema

"I No Black, I Dominican" - Dominican Identity: More Than a Punchline

The internet loves a good laugh, and the phrase "I no black, I Dominican" has certainly provided plenty of comedic fodder. But let's dig a little deeper into the complex issue of Dominican identity, beyond the surface-level jokes. The Dominican Republic, a Caribbean nation sharing the

Which Latin Country Has the SEXIEST Accent? 🥵😍

Ladies, let’s talk about something spicy – not the food (although that’s amazing too), but the language. We’ve all been there, jet-setting through Latin America, feeling like a total badass because we’re dropping Spanish left and right. But let’s be real, not all Spanish is created

¡Basta! Spain Says Enough to Overtourism (Spanish for "Enough!") 🇪🇸

Spain. The mere mention conjures images of sun-drenched beaches, vibrant flamenco dancers, and tapas galore. It's no surprise this European gem is a tourist hotspot. But lately, whispers of discontent have been swirling in the sangria. Locals in popular destinations like Barcelona are feeling the strain of overtourism.

The Benefits of Bilingualism 🌎

Ever dreamt of navigating a bustling Parisian market with the charm of a local, or confidently ordering tapas in Barcelona without resorting to pointing and hopeful grunts? Bilingualism, the magical ability to speak two languages, unlocks a world of possibilities that go far beyond vacation bragging rights. Buckle up, porque

Join My "Bilingual Baddies" Space on Goalspaces 🚀🇧🇴

Hey travel enthusiasts and language lovers! I'm TheTravelHottie, and I'm absolutely thrilled to announce my brand new collaboration with Goalspaces to launch the "Bilingual Baddie Challenge!" This exciting 30-day program is designed to help you smash down those language barriers and unlock a whole

The Future of Language Learning 👨‍💻

Remember the days when the only way to truly learn a language was to pack your bags and immerse yourself in a foreign country? Textbooks and language labs were about as high-tech as it got, and fluency often felt like an elusive dream reserved for the adventurous or the very

Break the Cycle, Not Each Other

Remember our previous blog discussing the Cassie and Diddy situation? It sparked a crucial conversation – one we can't shy away from. Domestic violence is a serious issue, impacting millions of people worldwide. At Goalspaces, we stand firmly with survivors and condemn all forms of abuse. Seeing someone like

The Day My Rusty Spanish Saved the Day (and My Dignity!)

Have you ever dreamt of understanding conversations happening around you, no matter the language? It might feel like a superpower reserved for polyglots and international spies, but trust me, even a rusty brain with a little practice can surprise you! Here's my story: for years, I dabbled in

Farewell, Funky Stamps: The Disappearing Art of Passport Souvenirs

Remember the thrill of flipping through a well-worn passport, each page adorned with colorful, ornately detailed stamps – a tangible record of your global adventures? The world of travel, however, is rapidly embracing digital solutions, and one of the casualties in this march of progress might be the beloved passport stamp.