Reema Deema

Reema Deema

Get Ready for Summer with Kirah Ominique's YouTube Glow-Up Guide

Remember 2019? Yeah, same. I was stuck in a dead-end job, drowning in bills, and feeling totally lost. Fast forward to NOW – my life is a LEVEL UP explosion! This transformation all started with a tiny seed of change: losing weight and learning the power of manifestation. BOOM!My mindset

Keeping the Flame Alive: Why Black Family Reunions Matter More Than Ever

Remember those long, laughter-filled summer days spent with your entire family at a reunion? For many Black families,annual gatherings were a cornerstone of our upbringing. But lately, these traditions seem to be fading away. Where did those joyful reunions go, and why are they so important to keep alive?

Travel Deeper: Understanding Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation

Traveling opens our eyes to a beautiful tapestry of cultures, each with unique traditions and styles. But sometimes, the line between appreciation and appropriation gets blurred. Let's unpack this with a recent example: singer Adele's controversial Carnival look that included bantu knots. Many in the Black

The New Face of Luxury: A Blend of Exclusivity and Experience

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, our perception of luxury is undergoing a profound transformation. Gone are the days when luxury was solely equated with designer labels or flashy possessions. As I've journeyed through life, I've come to realize that true luxury lies in